Dear all,
I had posted the lengthy question below, but really woundered, how about just cDNA? Does anyone have or know of a really cheep place (below 2000$)?
Origional post----
-I’m new to this web site. I’m a structural biologist. I am interested in some proteins with overlap between species. I may be moving -to Brazil in the near future, and am trying to acquire several things to get started.
-My main problem is cheep or free cDNA for c.elegans, and then I am also looking for protocols in large scale worm growth (normal -conditions, normal or over expressed protein clones, etc) with the aim of protein purification. In a similar manner, I am interested in -nuclear extraction protocols (or leftovers if anyone wants to give them up), as human nuclear extracts are pricy and hard to get -enough for structural work if done in the lab. Basically, I would like to have 200 ml at 2 mg/ml protein conc. nuclear extract in the end, -from worm culture. I need however, to find out feasibility of such things, as I only know worm protocols from several courses, but -have not used them much directly (other than a protein or two in e.coli). Any suggestions or comments (or supplies) are -appreciated, and I would gladly give the Brazilian lab address if anyone needs. I most likely will post other questions and searches -for material here in the future.
-mit freundlichen Grüssen,
-Stephan Watkins