Looking for an integrated, non-roller, GFP/mCherry reporter line on the CGC

I’m looking for an N2-like control for an experiment. I want to be able to raise wild-type and mutant animals on the same plate, treat the animals together, measure my read out (fat) and distinguish wild-type from mutant worms.

My dream would be for an integrated reporter construct that doesn’t have rol-6 or any other marker that might mess with worm development or metabolism.

Does anyone know of a strain like this that is available from the CGC?


There are a great many such strains available (not necessarily from the CGC). One good way to find such is to look at the WormBase gene pages for the promoters used in common co-injection markers, in the Reagents tab. Take for example ttx-3::gfp reporters, expressed in a small number of neurons and hopefully not altering these neurons in a way that would affect the biology you’re studying. There are three integrated ttx-3::gfp transgenes with no other components reported in the transgenes (1, 2, 3); rfp versions are also available, and of course constructs using other promoters. Only one of the three I linked is listed as being in any strain at the CGC, but if you prefer the others (or want them for a comparison) you can contact the originating labs and request the strains and more information, especially if these strains have been published.