miniMos tissue-specific kit for MosSCI

Does anybody know of a series of standard tissue-specific promoters (muscle, hypodermis, intestine, neurons) in the miniMos vector? We want to do MosSCI with single/low-copy rescue in each of these four tissues.

Hygromycin- or neomycin-resistance preferred over unc-119 rescue, but perhaps we cannot be picky.

Is it for Larva only ?
Some of these promoter might be a bit late if you want to study early embryogenesis.
But here are what you can use:
Muscle: myo-3
Hypodermis: dpy-7
Intestine: elt-2
Neurons: none of them are really pan-neuronal but you can use, unc-119 or rgef-1

For the plasmids you will need check

Hope this helps.

My apologies, for I was unclear. I was hoping that there were existing miniMos vectors containing these promoters. Didn’t want to re-invent the wheel and all that. Surely somebody has done the standard promoter series in miniMos?