Reporter_genes::RFP markers for the pharyngeal neurons

Hi to the Community,

I am looking for some reporter_genes::RFP markers to describe the expression pattern of the pharyngeal neurons.

Referring to WormAtlas and WormBase (, I couldn’t find enough markers (other than GFP).

I would be grateful if you can help me (or refer me) to mark any of the following cells with a reporter_genes::RFP marker (or any marker other than GFP):

Pharyngeal neurons

  1. Motor neurons: M1, M2L, M2R, M3L, M3R, M4, M5, MCL, MCR
  2. Other neurons: I1L, I1R, I2L, I2R, I3, I4, I5, I6, MI, NSML, NSMR
  3. Pharyngeal glands: g1AL, g1AR, g1P, g2L, g2R

My e-mail is:

Your help would be appreciated.
