Has anyone identified the sc63 lesion in sqt-3? is there anybody other than Novelli, Ahmed, and Hodgkin that would be worth contacting about this question?
Has anyone identified the sc63 lesion in sqt-3? is there anybody other than Novelli, Ahmed, and Hodgkin that would be worth contacting about this question?
sqt-3 was described in van der Keyl et al. 1994, Dev Dyn 201(1):86-94. From that paper, sc63 is a Gly to Glu substitution of amino acid #227 (GGA–>GAA) in the second exon.
can sqt-3 be propagated alright at the non-permissive temperature? or is this not recommended?
From the legacy information on the WormBase listing for sqt-3, the sc63 allele is a viable dumpy at 25C, but the e24sd allele might be inviable at 25C.