1 Postdoc + 1 PhD positions on the evolution and genetics of C. elegans-microbiota interactions at Kiel University, Germany
The positions are funded within a larger research initiative on host-microbiota interactions at Kiel University (Collaborative Research Center CRC1182 “Origin and function of metaorganisms”).
The postdoc and one PhD position are supervised by Hinrich Schulenburg (projects A1.1 and A4.3) and address the evolutionary dynamics and genomics of C. elegans microbiota interactions, based on evolution experiments and genome sequencing (Schulenburg group).
The second PhD project (project A1.2) is supervised by Katja Dierking (Schulenburg lab) and looks at the transcriptomic and also genetic basis of the interaction, using RNASeq and functional genetic analysis.
The third PhD project (project A1.3) is supervised by Matthias Leippe and assesses the involvement of antimicrobial peptides and proteins in shaping C. elegans-bacteria interactions using biochemical and functional genetic approaches (Leippe group).
For further information, please check the webpage of the Collaborative Research Center (http://www.metaorganism-research.com/) or the Schulenburg group (which includes Katja Dierking; http://www.uni-kiel.de/zoologie/evoecogen/) or the Leippe group (Comparative Immunobiology).
Application procedures are described on the webpage of the Collaborative Research Center (see above link; then under Jobs). Deadline for applications is 29 February 2016. If you have questions, then please contact either Hinrich Schulenburg (hschulenburg@zoologie.uni-kiel.de), Katja Dierking (kdierking@zoologie.uni-kiel.de), or Matthias Leippe (mleippe@zoologie.uni-kiel.de).