2008 C. elegans Development and Evolution Topic Meeting Announcement

We invite you to attend the 2008 C. elegans Development and Evolution Meeting. The meeting will be held June 11-15, 2008 at the beautiful University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.

The meeting website URL is: http://www.union.wisc.edu/celegans/index.html

We are delighted to announce the following confirmed featured speakers:
John White, Julie Ahringer, Scott Emmons, Michel Labouesse, Susan Mango, Barbara Meyer, and Ding Xue, and Sam Ward.

Topics include:
Cell Adhesion & Migration
Cell Biology: Organelles
Cells & Tissues
Cell Death
Evolution of Development
Microevolution & Evolutionary Genomics
Mitosis, Cell Cycle & Cytokinesis
Polarity & Cell Fate Determination: Embryonic
Polarity & Cell Fate Determination: Post-embryonic
Sex Determination, Gametogenesis & Meiosis

Abstracts will be due April 7th, 2008. Platform and poster notification assignments will be posted at the Meeting website on or around Monday, May 12th, 2008. There are limited openings for talks and posters so please register early!

The Meeting Organizers are:
Diana Chu: San Francisco State University (chud@sfsu.edu)
Monica Colaiacovo: Harvard Medical School (mcolaiacovo@genetics.med.harvard.edu)
Ahna Skop: University of Wisconsin-Madison(skop@wisc.edu)

We look forward to seeing you on the Terrace!