The 2012 Evolution of Caenorhabditis and Other Nematodes Meeting will take place at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories (New York, USA) April 3-6 2012. Stay tuned for more details as plans develop. Very exciting!
Meeting Organizers:
Dee Denver (Oregon State University)
Mark Blaxter (University of Edinburgh)
As you will see on the website, Marie-Anne Félix will serve as our keynote speaker and we have attracted a strong and diverse group of 12 worm evolutionary biologists and genomicists to serve as session chairs. Research presented and discussed at the meeting will include C. elegans and other Caenorhabditis evolutionary biology, the evolution of animal- and plant-parasitic nematode species, and the biodiversity and megagenetics of nematodes. This year, we have also invited two session chairs (Holly Bik, Tom Moens) who will bring expertise and knowledge in marine nematodes. There will also be a strong emphasis on genomics. We have applied to NSF for funding to help support students and postdocs, and plan to pursue additional support from NIH and corporate sources this summer.
The meeting will take place April 3-6, 2012. The abstract deadline is January 20, 2012. As per CSHL customs, the majority of oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts (session chairs will present too); the abstracts must present unpublished research. There will be one poster session, and we are currently organizing our meeting around six themes that will most likely serve as the themes for the six oral sessions:
Fundamental evolutionary forces
Evolution of development and reproductive mode
Evolution of parasitism and pathogenesis
Metagenomics and biodiversity
Computational genomics of Caenorhabditis species
Computational genomics of other nematodes
We look forward to seeing your abstracts in January, and everyone in April!
Dee Denver, Oregon State University
Mark Blaxter, University of Edinburgh
(the organizers)
The meeting will take place April 3-6 at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories in New York, USA. The abstract deadline is January 27. Register for the meeting and submit abstracts at the meeting website.
Our keynote speaker is Marie-Anne Félix! Twelve other great diverse scientists in our research community are also featured as session chairs.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the meeting organizers, keynote speaker, and session chairs. We plan to review the abstracts in the weeks immediately following the abstract deadline (Jan 27). The final set of oral session themes will be decided upon after abstracts have been submitted and undergone initial evaluation. The final program details are due to CSH by March 1; we will plan to share the final program details with all meeting participants on or shortly after that date.
Please see the meeting website for additional details.
New Updates!
During the day on April 3rd, a pre-meeting satellite gathering of the NemaSym research coordination network will take place on the CSHL campus. The NSF-funded NemaSym is dedicated to the study of nematode-bacterium symbioses. For details, contact Dr. S. Patricia Stock at the University of Arizona: spstock[at]
The Nathan A. Cobb Foundation has generously provided funds for a partial travel award to support one graduate student who will present research on the evolution of plant- or insect-parasitic nematodes. We are still waiting to hear back from NIH and other funding inquiries for the meeting.
Cover art submissions! We invite the community to submit compelling images to be considered as cover art for the meeting’s program book. All are welcome to submit. Please send the image file as an email attachment to Dee Denver: denver[at] Cover art submissions must be sent to Dee by Feb 15.