A genetic balancer having fluorescence located in X chromosome

I am looking for a genetic balancer having fluorescence for X chromosome. In Christian Jorgensen’s fascinating paper in 2008, we are able to integrate any genes where you intended. Christian suggested that we can use an integrant for a genetic balancer in his paper. I would appreciate if anyone share information about available integrant strains carrying fluorescence eg) Pmyo3::Cherry which is located in X chromosome. In addition, does anyone know any database or the way to seek such strains using available database?

may try Knockout Consortium.

You might look at this previous thread.

thank you so much! :smiley:

When I was in the Kimble lab, we tried to integrate a GFP marker onto szT1 and were unsuccessful (tried multiple times). Could’ve been bad luck, but we got integrants on every other balancer (nT1, eT1, hT2) that we tried.