adding large numbers of primers in External Annotation Track

I’m looking for a automated way of converting a list of single primers (“name” and “sequence”) into a file to be added to an External Annotation Track, but I can’t seem to find a way with the available tools. ePCR for instance is not appropriate since it requires primer pairs (as far as I understand it).

I think that such a feature would be very interesting/helpful to all wormbase users who do even the slightest bit of molecular biology, as it would help to visualize all available primers in a given genomic region. As labs grow and people come and go, such a tool would seem very helpful to me.

In general, I think that the External Annotation Tracks feature is greatly underused in all the labs I know. If there are people out there who use it effectively, it would be great if they could share their experience on the wiki for instance.

