I posted this on the facebook page of C. elegans researchers, but haven’t received any answer. Please, help if you know the answer!
Considering aggregation (misfolding, ending up in LROs; my current main problem is fusion proteins aggregation - seamless fusions - although bleaching fast and cytotoxicity are other factors too, but not as horrible as misfolding and aggregation) and subcellular mislocalization: among mCherry, TagRFP, mKate2, FusionRed, Ruby, Tomato: Does anyone know which …FP behaves the most like eGFP but isn’t green (red spectrum) in C. elegans?
Just a side note from “A monomeric red fluorescent protein with low cytotoxicity”
Shemiakina et al.:…“It was fortuitous that the first fluorescent protein to be successfully cloned, Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP), was naturally monomeric at intracellular expression levels and thus suitable for protein labeling in living cells”…“Engineered red monomers, such as mCherry and other mFruit proteins, along with mKO, TagRFP, and mKate2 are suitable fusion partners for many proteins of interest. However, these proteins usually do not perform as well as Aequorea victoria GFP derivatives in fusions, and often present issues related to abnormal subcellular protein localization, aggregation, or toxic effects”.
:-[ :’( So from 60s (GFP purified by Osamu Shimomura,…, Martin Chalfie expressed it in C. elegans, 1994) till now, (60 years!) don’t we have something similar to GFP in RED-spectrum?
Really frustrated! :’( please, help!.
Another question: does adding linker-glycin help? I have done it once for GFP and the result was good, but thinking to use it.