Dear Wormpeeps -
A number of people have contacted my lab to ask if we have strains driving TIR1 (the plant F-box protein required for auxin-inducible degradation) under various tissue-specific promoters. We have not made TIR1 drivers other than those reported in our AID paper (Zhang et al. (2015) DOI: 10.1242/dev.129635), but I know that others have. If you have strains that you’re willing to share, I’d appreciate it if you’d reply here to let the worm community know. At the moment I’m specifically looking for a P[lin-31]::TIR1 strain (VPC expression) for a colleague. Thanks!
If there are enough different TIR1 driver lines published then Jeremy Nance and I can include a “TIR1 table” in addition to “cGAL, FLP, and CRE driver line tables” to an upcoming WormBook chapter on transgenic tools.
We are planning to make a series of P::TIR1 worms via MosSCI, including Plin-31 (thank you for asking, Abby!) We are also thinking about Pdpy-7 or Pcol-10 (hypodermis), Prgef-1 (neurons) and Punc-54(muscle). Thoughts? Do any of these exist?
Somebody in my lab looked through textpresso
Psun-1 ::TIR1::mRuby::sun-1 3UTR germline Zhang et al, 2015, Development
Peft- 3 ::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3UTR Ubiquitous, somatic cells Zhang et al, 2015, Development
Pges-1::TIR1::mRuby intestine Zhang et al, 2015, Development
Pmyo-2::TIR1::mRuby pharynx Zhang et al, 2015, Development
Phlh-3 ::TIR1 Nervous system Ho et al, 2018, Micropublication:biology
Ppie -1 ::TIR1::mRuby Germline and head Kasimatis et al., 2018, G3
Does anyone have a strain that expresses sun-1p::TIR-1mRuby that is integrated on Chr I that they can share with me (and not on Chr’s II or IV)?