Hello worm folks,
I am trying to set up microparticle bombardment in my lab because this has been shown to enable genetic insertions in outcrossing species. But, I have just learned that the Hepta adapter for the Bio-Rad Biolistic PDS-1000/He Particle Delivery System is no longer in production. I am considering moving forward with getting the device despite the lack of the Hepta adapter. My question is: have you ever tried bombardment without the Hepta adapter? Do you have any reason to suspect that the use of this adapter is essential for successful bombardment in nematodes? I am under the impression that this adapter is essential for boosting insertion efficiency, but I am interested in hearing others’ experiences.
And my other question is, does anyone have a Hepta adapter (or bombardment apparatus) that they no longer use? Please let me know if you’d be interested in selling (or otherwise parting ways with) this piece/device.
If you have any thoughts on this sort of thing, please do not hesitate to send me an email (gcwoodruff@ou.edu).