Did you know that SGD has 220 curated biochemical pathways for you to explore? SGD’s YeastPathways is a database of metabolic pathways and enzymes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. YeastPathways enables you to visualize yeast metabolism from large metabolic networks to individual pathways, and from biochemical reactions down to individual metabolites. Search tools and click-to-browse features in YeastPathways enable quick navigation and intuitive exploration of yeast metabolism.
Users new to YeastPathways will find that it’s easy to get started—simply access YeastPathways through the Function menu at SGD, then run a search for a pathway, compound, enzyme, or reaction on the YeastPathways homepage. You can also access YeastPathways through gene pages at SGD. Just run a search for your favorite metabolic enzyme at SGD (example: TPI1) and find the Pathways section on the locus summary page. Any pathways in which the protein is involved will be listed and linked to YeastPathways.
Check out YeastPathways and be sure to contact us if you have any questions or feedback!