C.elegans cDNA library

every one!COULD you tell me how to search for a gene’s cdna library?

Thank you very much!

Do you mean the list of sequenced cDNAs? Those can be found on the WormBase Gene page under Reagent>Matching cDNAs.

For the full-length cDNA, see the ORFeome project.

thank you , I want to order a clone Y37H9A.6 (ndx-4) in reference ,but I could’t find the net or provider .Could you help me?

ORFeome clones can be obtained from Open Biosystems.

If you go to the Genome Browser page for the gene, and make sure you’re showing the gene model and the ESTs (best), you’ll see a dozen or so aligned EST sequences. Normally, you should make sure to pick one with sequences from both ends of the clone (aligned sequences indicated by green boxes, connected by a dotted line to indicate they’re from the same EST clone), and click on one or the other sequences from that EST clone; in this case, this one would be a good example. In the case of ndx-4, it’s a short enough transcript that a read from one end of an EST goes all the way through the coding sequence, so this may be less important.

Let’s look at the EST page I linked: it’s for the clone yk1657e03. Specifically, it’s the sequence yk1657e03.5, meaning it’s the read from the 5’ end of the EST clone. There’s also sequence yk1657e03.3, the read from the 3’ end of the same clone. The “yk” in the clone name means it’s from one of Yuji Kohara’s EST sequencing projects. You can request the EST from him. Note that he has done several of these projects, using different technologies: I recommend you look for clones from the capped cDNA libraries (the later EST sequencing projects) where there’s an option; these clones are more likely to contain the 5’ end, and if I remember correctly are more convenient to handle (I think they may arrive in bacteria instead of in phage).

The difference between Dr. Kohara’s EST collections and the ORFeome clones is that the ESTs are cDNAs, while the ORFeome clones are RT-PCR products based on the WormBase gene models available when the library was constructed. The ORFeome clones are good, and are often extremely convenient, and massively so if you want a bunch of genes and don’t want to investigate suitable ESTs for each; I think if you want the best possible cDNA for one or for a few genes the EST clones may be a little better.