We would like to bring your attention to a worm topic meeting that we have decided to organize for 2008. The meeting will focus on C. elegans genomics and systems biology and will take place July 24 & 25 at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
We would like to have an estimate of how many people are interested in this meeting so we can start preparing the Program. Please let us know by Nov 30 how many people from your group (hopefully including yourself) are likely to attend by emailing Marian.Walhout@umassmed.edu .
Details about registration and cost will follow.
Thank you very much. We hope to see you in Cambridge in 2008.
Best regards,
Marian Walhout University of Massachusetts Medical School
Hui Ge Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Stuart Milstein Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Vidal lab)