C. elegans mutation accumulation (MA) lines / community resource

C. elegans mutation accumulation (MA) lines / community resource

A set of ~1000 C. elegans spontaneous mutation accumulation (MA) lines will be publicly available in the next few months.
The lines are derived from six starting genotypes (strain list below) and have been maintained under standard conditions
for a maximum of 300 generations (Gmax=300) of single-individual transfer (i.e., Ne?1). For each nearly-isogenic strain,
we initiated two sets of 100 MA lines; one set maintained in the Baer lab at the University of Florida and one set maintained
in the Katju lab at Texas A&M. Lines have been cryopreserved at 50-generation intervals. We also cryopreserved a set of 48
replicate “pseudolines” (PS lines) at the outset of the experiment; PS lines are identical to the MA lines except they have
only diverged from the ancestor for ~3 generations rather than ~300 generations. The PS lines have been and the Gmax=300
lines will be cryopreserved in sets of 48 lines, which can be shipped frozen upon request. Cryopreserved intermediate
generations are also available but have not been cryopreserved in sets. Plans are afoot to sequence the genomes of the
lines; sequence data will be made public as it is collected.

Please direct inquiries to Charles Baer (cbaer@ufl.edu).

Funding provided by NIH award GM127433.

-Charles F. Baer (University of Florida)
-Vaishali Katju (Texas A&M University / Uppsala University, Sweden)

CB4856 common FL 99 300 292
alternative lab strain TX 100 289 281.5

MY6 Roam-1 mutant FL 100 300 294.5
TX 99 289 274

XZ1516 Peel/Zeel wildtype FL 100 150 138
(= N2); strong Mortal TX 32 50 -
Germline (Mrt)

JU360 Roam-1 mutant FL 100 300 290.5
TX 100 289 276

EG8072 N2 strain; GFP/RFP FL 100 300 295.5
transgenes; Peel/Zeel TX 100 289 282

EG8072.2* “Twins” of EG8072 FL 100 300 295
FL lines at Gmax=150

JU1395 Peel/Zeel wildtype, TX 100 In progress -
Mrt wildtype

  • EG8072.2 lines were initiated by replicating each EG8072 line at Gmax=150. Thus, each pair of EG8072.2 lines
    shares half of its evolutionary history (generations 0-150), and presumably ~half of its accumulated mutations,
    with its twin; the other half of its evolutionary history (gen 151-300) is unique.