comparison of several genomic regions with BLAST

I’d like to know how to compare several genomic regions (i.e. 18S of a group of nematodes) … in order to see which sequences are common.

one idea would be to use the C.elegans sequences as seeds and try to pull homolg sequences from GenBank/DDBJ/ENA … but you might want to realign the sequences, as blast can be a bit crude, but ymmv

You can align the sequences using this Programme called “Clustal W” at

From this you can get the common region/sequence of similarity

Hope this helps… :slight_smile:


have a look at

The Effects of Alignment Quality, Distance Calculation Method, Sequence Filtering, and Region on the Analysis of 16S rRNA Gene-Based Studies
, Patrick Schloss PLoS Comput Biol, Vol. 6, No. 7. (8 July 2010), e1000844.

for some pitfalls