I thought some members of this forum might be interested in a little tool I’ve recently built that allows for visual exploration of the c. elegans connectome in the browser, based on the dataset by Varshney et al. (as linked on the neuronal wiring page of the Atlas):
In its current form it would be useful primarily for researchers interested in identifying particular subcircuits, hypothesised to be underlying a certain behaviour. E.g. if one were interested in salt klinotaxis, one may wonder about the circuit connecting relevant sensory neurons (ASE) to certain motor neurons (say, SMB). This is what the tool is designed to do. One may select two separate sets of neuron groups to identify the circuit connecting them, while filtering the contained connections according to the number of synapses made and limiting the maximum path length (the number of interneuron “jumps”).
I have plans for adding more ways of querying the connectome (as well as adding sensory features and muscle connections), but I’d be curious to know if there are people who might actually want to use such a tool before putting more work into it.
Also, the tool is based on an earlier Mathematica version by Eduardo Izquierdo, who has used it just as described above to investigate salt klinotaxis circuits (published here).