Extrachromosomal array inheritance in males?

Extrachromosomal array = Pgoi::gfp + rol-6 in N2.
If I get a successful mating(s) between N2 males and transgenic hermaphrodites is it possible to get some roller males
so I can investigate male Pgoi::gfp expression?

Why not use a mutation like him-5(e1490) to get your desired males?

him good idea if you need keep generating males. but, yes, you should get plenty of Rol F1 males crossing with N2 males

rol-6 males will mate, but they are not awesome at it. Might have something to do with going around in circles and having a malformed male tail fan. So I am not a rol-6 fan.

him-5 is fine, but you get a fair amount of autosomal nondisjunction and lethality. I prefer him-8, which is X-specific and hence no lethality.

Also, I recall something along the lines of it being harder to generate transgenics in a Him background. Might want to look into that.