Femtojet 4x vs 4i

Does anyone using c. elegans for injections use the Femtojet 4i? I saw discussion regarding Femtojet 4x but the eppendorf manual states that the 4i is optimal for c. elegans. To summarize the manual, FemtoJet 4x: Requires external pressurized air to achieve its higher maximum pressure (up to 10,000 hPa). FemtoJet 4i: Also requires external pressurized air but operates at a lower pressure range (up to 6,000 hPa)

Hi Maria,

We switched from using the 4x to the 4i. They both have been absolutely fine for microinjections into C. elegans.
You should be ok with the 4i.



Hi Maria,

We also use the 4i and it works extremely well!

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