FROM GSA: Celebrate and cite genetics community resources

We appreciate the recent email from the GSA ( Genetics Society of America ( that encouraged researchers to cite resources like RGD, MGI, GO and the Alliance. Please cite us, and other community resources, whenever you use RGD or others in your papers: Citing the Rat Genome Database


As a valued member of our research community, we know you’re no stranger to the vital role that community-driven databases, knowledgebases, and stock centers have played in advancing our understanding of mice and rats—and thus our understanding of the natural world.

At times, we might forget that the continued funding for these remarkable resources isn’t guaranteed. That’s where we need your help to ensure their sustainability and growth.

Right now, you may be working on a paper that utilizes these resources:

Rat Genome Database
[Vedi et al. 2022]

Multi-Ontology Enrichment Tool (MOET)
[Vedi et al. 2022]

Mouse Genome Informatics
[Baldarelli et al. 2024]

The Gene Ontology Resource
[The Gene Ontology Resource Consortium et al. 2023]

The Alliance of Genome Resources
[The Alliance of Genome Resources 2024]

We encourage you to take a moment to cite them in-text whenever you’ve used them in the development of a manuscript. The simple act of citing these resources when you use them isn’t just good practice, it’s a powerful way to advocate for their importance, as well as helping to secure their funding for the future. Remember: including a link to the resource isn’t the same as citing it!

Use these guidelines for citing your community resources:

Let’s champion our mammalian genetics resources together—thank you for taking action to celebrate and cite them in your next paper, and for making a vital contribution to our research community!

© 2024 - Genetics Society of America