genes for gfp fusion?

Dear worm breeders,
We wanna to start microinjection for transgenic lines that carrying gfp fusion proteins. As beginner, we need postive control. That is, we hope to know genes whose gfp fusion protein foci can be observed under fluorescence stereoscope.
I hope I can get suggestion from you.


have you looked here?


Hi Steve,
Thanks for your information. This is an interesting project providing us profile on expression pattern of thousands genes. While their constructs are promoter::gfp fusion for tissue expression pattern, and what we want is gene::gfp fusion expression for cellular location information. It’ll be very helpful if I can get that information from you.

Different Steve this time.

SU93 (AJM-1::GFP) is available from the CGC and visible under the stereoscope. It localizes to cell junctions of epithelial cells, and under the stereoscope would be brightest in the pharynx.

Hope that helps!

Steve V

sorry…I had a 33.333333.% chance of picking the correct type of gfp fusion and backed the wrong horse!

Thanks for your suggestion! We would try AJM-1.