Geneticin (G-418)

Dear all,

Someone knows what is the lethal doses of Geneticin (G-418) for the worm, or if the effect is only larval arrest? In which larval stage has an effect G418?

The best
Fernando Calahorro, phD. Student

This previous thread might answer your query…

Luv ;D

Dear Fernando,
I have only tested different concentrations of G-418 in hatchlings and adults (see Giordano-Santini et al 2010). But Semple et al (2010) have tested the effects of puromycin on the enrichment of different synchronized transgenic populations from L1 to adults (see Semple et al 2010 supplementary material, Supp Figure 3). As G-418, puromycin inhibits protein synthesis, so these data may give you some ideas.
All the best,