I am trying to dissect the gonads from C. elegans, my goal is to do RNA extractions on them.
I cut at the end of the pharynx (almost), both the gonad and the intestine protrude. It is very hard to separate them. The worm is not in a fixed position on the slide
and with the M9 and lemivasole liquid residues, it moves every time I have the 25G needle near it… (making the dissection like random and far from precise).
I was hoping if anyone would have some suggestions to handle the dissection more “professionally” and “proficiently” :-\
Gonad dissection takes some practice. Some people prefer to use two needles: place one on each side of the worm, then slice in a scissors-like motion.
This approach allows you to pin the worm between the needles and position your cut more accurately. When done correctly, the distal end of the
gonad usually pops out of the carcass.
right, two needles is definitely best. and if you do it in a depression slide or watchglass the surface tension does not create such a big problem. deeper is better! you could also try finer gauge needles, e.g., 18G. they aren’t as long but they are thinner…