help! a new strain

Dear all,

i would like to buy a strain from CGC gtEX2[CEP-1::GFP+unc-119(+)].

I wonder what is the meaning of gtEX2, and is this a cep-1::GFP fusion strain?
and what it mean “Maintain by picking non-Unc”.

thank you

Hui Ling


the gtEX2 refers to this strain having an extrachromsomal array. This arrays seems to be perhaps the cep-1 promoter driving GFP. The unc-119(+) is there because a WT copy of unc-119 was used as a marker to identify worms that contain array. Therefore, animals that have the unc-119(+) are WT (non-unc) and carry the extrachromosomal array. Hope this helps!

I echo medawg’s thoughts, except to say that typically a capitalized name indicates protein. Thus I would conclude that CEP-1::GFP is a translational fusion with the GFP on the C-terminal end. Usually there is a paper associated with strains, so I would look in the materials and methods to determine if this is a promoter fusion or protein fusion.

I believe you are probably right about the capital letters referring to a protein. Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it!