Methionine Restriction in C. elegans?

Hi All,
My lab is interested in getting into c. elegans research. However, we would like to perform a particular type of analysis.
We would like to restrict the methionine content in these worms (down to 40-80% normal methionine ingested).
I am wondering whether this would be possible. As I understand, c. elegans acquire their food/nutrients from irradiated bacteria/e. coli.
There are strains of methionine-deficient e. coli. However, i believe they require methionine in order to grow.
Are there other food sources for c. elegans where i can restrict the methionine content?
I am curious whether you have any suggestions for performing this type of analysis.

Thank you,

I’ve never done it (I’ve not even done the more common axenic culture that involves tryptone and peptone and so probably is poorly suited to your needs), but there is a protocol for culturing C. elegans on completely defined synthetic media; the linked PDF lists methionine as an essential amino acid, so presumably you could lower the concentration to whatever you liked. Mind you, the protocol to make the media is five pages long and includes dozens of ingredients, you’ll be busy.

This work could be valuable to you. Good luck.