microscope specifications for D-type neurons in L1 and L4

Dear all,

I’m starting my work with C. elegans (namely with D-type neurons) and I’m interested to know what are the microscope specifications for visualisation of this kind of neurons in L1 and L4. I’ve been reading a lot on the subject and it seams like the best general approach is, undoubtedly, DIC.

Is there a possibility to identify these neurons (GFP-marked) with a commercial microscope (Nikon-Eclipse TE2000U) operating with a 60x, 1.4 NA oil immersion objective?

Looking forward to hear from you.


Susana Santos

Yes, a 60x oil 1.4 lens is the most commonly used. Sometimes also 100x and 40x

If you have the possibility, try different lenses, they can make a big difference,
in terms of fluorescent light intensity and DIC.
Are you looking to buy a whole microscope?

Thanks for the answer.
This is the microscope we have actually available. However, considering the new research topic, I’m considering to buy a DIC objective+condenser+UV lamp!!