Might be of interest both for biologists and engineers

Dear all,

I hope that my post will help those young scientist, like me, whose research somehow connected with such a wonderful animal as C. elegans.

When I started my research in this field, it took me while to get a clear picture of “what’s going on with C. elegans on chip-based microfluidic systems”.
Although, there are quite many comprehensive review papers, covering the same area, unfortunately, they do not present an up-to-date compilation
of all available microfluidic approaches for the worm. So I tried to make a detailed overview of around 100 publications according to their intended
application or end use of the assays that seemed for me the most obvious (although, one of the referee’s comment from a well known journal was
“I think the categorization that the authors have used does not seem intuitive”). Besides, I tried to systemize into supportive classification diagram so
that it takes seconds to find this or that paper according to five evaluated aspects: output data (e.g. neuron response, plastic behaviour, electrical signal,
or their combinations), sorting, immobilization, stimulation (touch, drugs, odourants, food, temperature, gases, osmolytes, or light), and detection (e.g.
non-fluorescent, fluorescent, lensless, electrochemical spectroscopy, or their combination) of C. elegans.

For those who are interested but have no access to the paper http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/ra/c3ra43758b#!divAbstract
please, do not hesitate to contact me natalia.bakhtina@imtek.uni-freiburg.de.

The best honour for me would if someone just say “You know, your paper was of help for me” :-))))))



Thank you! :slight_smile: