mnT10 and mnT12 Breakpoints

Hello all,

I am currently generating double mutants with the mnT10(V;X) and mnT12(IV;X) translocations. I am wondering if anyone has determined the precise genomic positions of these translocations by sequencing (or other means) so that I might design primers to verify the genotype of my double mutants. If not, I am curious as to how I would reliably determine the homozygosity of the translocations in my double mutants. In the papers I have read in regards to these translocations, it seems that high incidence of males is the only phenotype, but this phenotype is seen in animals that are either heterozygous (mnT12), homozygous, or both (mnT10), making determination of homozygosity unreliable based solely on this criteria.

As I see it, my only options are to either A.) sequence the homozygous translocation mutants based on previous mapping data and determine the breakpoints myself or B.) perform FISH on my doubles and look for the appropriate translocations by IF. Does anyone else have better (less expensive, less demanding) ideas?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Allen Andrews