Nematode DNA concentration

Originially posted on WormAtlas by “shaun” June 29, 2005

Dear Colleagues,

I am interested in knowing whether nematodes in different life stages have different amounts of DNA. If so, is this related to the number of cells or the size of the various cells??
From my limited readings, I realise that there will also be differences between males, females and hermaphrodites, and I imagine there may well be difference between nematode genera.
Does anyone have, or know of, suitable references, resources which could point me in the right direction.

Many thanks

Originially posted on WormAtlas by “hall” July 04, 2005

This topic was covered well for the different stages in C. elegans tissues by Hedgecock and White in Dev. Biology 107:128-133 in 1985.

Larger cell types acquire more DNA per cell through endoreduplication, adding more DNA per cell as they grow. Later larval stages and adults also gain more cells as the lineage progresses (see Sulston and Horvitz papers)

I do not know if a similar study of DNA content has been done for other nematode species?

David H Hall