C. elegans courses return to Idibell!
An introductory course will take place on October 21st-25th 2013, covering basic aspects of manipulation and experimentation with our favorite nematode. Essential techniques such as picking, bleaching and mounting worms for microscope observation will be introduced to newcomers to the field.
This year an advanced course is also scheduled. It will take place on November 25th-29th 2013 and will cover microinjection, bombardment and immunostaining among others. As always, though, we are open to attendants’ needs to adapt the final contents.
Those interested in attending to any course, please, write an email to celegans@idibell.cat or celegansfacility.idibell@gmail.com.
Attendant number will be limited to three in order to provide personalized training.
The price for each of these 5-days courses is 750 euros (does not include accommodation).