Opportunities Junior Group Leaders, Postdocs, PhD students, Research Assistants.

Dear Wormers,

My lab is moving from Dundee, Scotland (Professor Anton Gartner | School of Life Sciences) to the Institute of Basic Science (IBS) Center for Genome Integrity (CGI) (Center for Genomic Integrity> ibs)
at the UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, https://www.unist.ac.kr) campus in Ulsan, South Korea in September 2019.

Our ambition at the CGI is to become a leading Research Centre for Genome Integrity and Chromosome Biology. Building up the new branch for Genomic Toxicology provides excellent opportunities at all levels. We are looking for PhD students, Postdocs, Research Assistants and Junior Group Leaders (with tenure track option) interested in all aspects of Genetic Integrity, Chromosome Biology and Genome Research and Bioinformatics. At UNIST, all undergraduate teaching is done in English, and the IBS centre (Center for Genomic Integrity> ibs) has access to most generous core support. The IBS research institutes closely collaborate with host universities and are structured similar to German Max Planck Institutes.

Salaries are competitive; while in absolute terms ~20% lower than in the US, housing and living costs are much cheaper, and child care is generous and most affordable. Campus housing is available. The UNIST campus is nicely located, in the outskirts of Ulsan, a city of ~ one million, some 15 km from the city centre in a valley, surrounded by woods. A high-speed train station can be reached within 10 minutes and provides connections to Busan the second largest city of Korea
in the South-West close to Japan and Seoul within ~20 minutes and ~2 hours (U$ ~44 for a one-way ticket, 400km), respectively.

UNIST, which was opened in 2009, has the ambition to become a premier, word leading Research University (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology - Wikipedia). Minimal undergraduate fees and generous stipends for undergraduates are testament of fostering talent and ambition irrespective of background and parental income. ~1600 graduates and ~330 undergraduate students are mentored by a faculty of ~450. The institute for basic science (IBS) was founded in 2011 Vision & Mission | Introduction | About IBS and since then ~30 research centres were build up throughout Korea. Research expenditure in Korea is >4% of GDP, well above of all European countries and the USA.

We aim to focus on C. elegans and mammalian systems.

If you are interested, it would be great if you could contact me at a.gartner@dundee.ac.uk.

Please spread the word.
