PhD fellowship in Quantitative Biology

In the framework of an 8-year collaborative project called INFORM, a PhD studentship is currently available to work under the supervision of Nathalie Pujol in our lab at the CIML in Marseille, France (

We have genetically and biochemically characterized the signalling pathways activated by natural fungal infection of C. elegans. These lead to the rapid up-regulation of antimicrobial peptide gene expression in the epidermis. Through the application of high-resolution dynamic imaging techniques, in collaboration with on-campus physics, maths and biophysics teams, we aim to correlate the progression of the infection with activation of these signalling pathways and to changes in host cell biology.

LabEx INFORM is a interdisciplinary and international research consortium on Quantitative Biology, in Marseille, France. LabEx INFORM provides interdisciplinary training and excellent education in renowned local institutions with a 4 year long competitive stipend (up to 10 positions this year).

This PhD program is integrated in the international training program called BIOTRAIL (, providing excellent support to welcome and train international students.

Applications are handled directly by INFORM, which has set-up an International PhD program. Details can be obtained from PhD Program | Labex INFORM. The deadline is the 28th March, 2015.

Informal inquiries can be addressed to Nathalie Pujol (pujol[at]

Marseille is a vibrant Mediterranean city, European Culture Capital in 2013.