Pofm-1::gfp - sequence of..?

I’ve been given an aliquot of Pofm-1::gfp to be used as co-injection marker. Can anyone pls point me to the original paper describing it’s construction and/or it’s sequence.
I’ve also been given something simply called Pmyo-2::gfp - is this the same as Andy Fire’s pPD118.33 (the sequence reads suggest it is).


it’s coffee time again, so I dug out the following from the box sat on my desk (well, table actually…at the LMB we had ‘a space’…but then we were happy).

Anyway, I digress. The coinjection marker construct ofm-1p::gfp is used in this paper from the Alcedo group;


and attributed to this Sengupta group paper;


They make things a little cryptic by only stating that they used a coinjection maker that expresses GFP in coelomocytes and mark this as an unpublished obs. from I presume Sengupta herself (P.S.).

HOWEVER, if you go to the acknowledgements (and why wouldn’t you?), you see that they thank Robert Anholt (a big cheese in Olfactomedin research) for the ‘coelomocyte markers construct’.

So, I guess the trail ends there…I think you’ll need to ask either Joy Alcedo or Piali Sengupta for the construct details.

Hope that helps…
