Postdoc position, Frankfurt, D, electron microscopy, synaptic vesicle recycling

POSTDOC in flash’n’freeze electron microscopy in synapse function

A postdoc position (E13 TV-G-U) is available at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, starting immediately, until 31.12.2020, with the possibility of extension.

The project combines optogenetics and electron microscopy of neuronal synapses to investigate mechanisms of the recycling of synaptic vesicles as well as the regulation of neuromuscular synapses by neuromodulators in Caenorhabditis elegans and Zebrafish. Modern equipment for flash-and-freeze electron microscopy and tomography are available at the Frankfurt Center for Electron Microscopy. The project uses optogenetic methods to stimulate synapses in vivo and analyzes the resulting structural changes (see Kittelmann 2013, PNAS 110: E3007-16; Steuer Costa 2017 Curr Biol 27: 495-507; Yu 2018 Front Molec Neurosci 11: 196). The project is embedded in the Collaborative Research Center CRC1080 (Neuronal Homeostasis:

Prerequisites for admission are a PhD in neurobiology, biochemistry or biology, as well as extensive experience with various electron microscopy and analysis methods (high-pressure freezing, freeze substitution, ultra-thin section preparation and TEM, tomography, and SEM). Knowledge of C. elegans and / or Danio rerio or other genetically accessible model organisms is necessary. Information about the lab are found at: BMLS - Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology.

Applications with CV, summary of previous research and publication list, as well as two references, should be sent (preferably electronically) until 15.12.2018 to: Alexander Gottschalk (, Goethe University, Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Max-von-Laue-Straße 15, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany. ph.: ++49-69-798-42518.