Postdoc Position in Membrane Traffic in C. elegans

A two-year post-doc position is available in our C. elegans group in Rennes, France. Our lab focuses on the physiological role of membrane traffic during development. In particular, we examine the function of the AP-1 adaptor complex which is involved in several routes of post-Golgi trafficking and in epithelial cell polarity. The developmental and cellular functions of this complex are investigated during embryogenesis and vulva formation.
The team belongs to the Institut de Génétique et Développement de Rennes (UMR 6061 The quality of in-house equipment is excellent, from confocal and video microscopy to sequencing facilities.

Training in cell or developmental biology is required and prior experience with C. elegans is desirable but not essential. Please send a CV, a list of publications and the name of 2/3 referees before the 15th of July to:
Grégoire Michaux
INSERM Avenir team “Morphogenesis and membrane traffic in C. elegans
IGDR – UMR 6061
2 avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard
F-35043 Rennes Cedex
Tel: +33 -2 23 23 47 75

Project: Identifying new sorting receptors
The successful applicant will develop a project based on genetics and cell biology to identify new sorting receptors. One of these elusive factors - Wintless - has recently been characterised, and suggests the existence of other sorting receptors. Several transmembrane proteins found in C. elegans are likely candidates to act as sorting receptors and the project consists of characterising these proteins and their intracellular trafficking.