Problem in embryonic culture

Good day everyone.
I still cant get the neuron and muscle cell in large quantities since I need it for treatment later.
I already use cover slip coated with peanut lectin. But still the embryo not differ into my interest cell.
Is it possible if I try culture the embryo cell on the pre-treated poly-L-lysine@peanut lectin plastic culture dish?
Maybe I can increase the space for the cell to adhere and differentiate by using culture dish that already coated rather than only using cover slip?
Or is it A Must to use glass culture vessel?
Hope your kindly sharing here. Thank you in advance.

OK, I can appreciate that having to ask questions in English when it’s not your native language can be a problem…I live in Germany and knock the hell out of the German language everyday…however, I think you could make your question simpler and clearer…and then probably more people would reply.

HOWEVER, your post jogged something in my memory and I looked through my earlier posts and found this;

Did you follow / try Steve von Stetina’s excellent suggestion at all? ???


Sorry for late reply. Thank you for reminding me about that post.
Recent paper published did help me on embryonic culture :slight_smile: