Reference Genome Annotation Update R64.5

Reference Genome Annotation Update R64.5

The S. cerevisiae strain S288C reference genome annotation was updated. The new genome annotation is release R64.5.1, dated 2024-05-29. Note that the underlying genome sequence itself was not altered. The chromosome sequences remain stable and unchanged.

R64.5 Annotation Update Summary

This annotation update included (details in table below):

R64.5 Annotation Update Details

Chr Feature Description of change Reference
II ATG12/YBR217W New uORF chrII:657824…657835, partially overlaps CDS Yang Y, et al. (2023) PMID:35363116
IV YDL204W-A New ORF chrIV:94133…94285 Wacholder A, et al. (2023) PMID:37164009
VI YFR035W-A New ORF chrVI:226260…226550 Wacholder A and Carvunis AR (2023) PMID:38048358
VII YGR016C-A New ORF chrVII:523353…523246 Wacholder A, et al. (2023)PMID:37164009, Chang S, et al. (2023)PMID:37927910
IX EFM4/YIL064W Move start 84 nucleotides downstream, new coordinates chrIX:242027…242716 Hamey JJ, et al. (2024)PMID:38199565
IX YIL059C Change ORF qualifier from Dubious to Verified because stable translation product detected Wacholder A and Carvunis AR (2023) PMID:38048358
XIII YMR106W-A New ORF chrXIII:480924…481187 Wacholder A and Carvunis AR (2023) PMID:38048358
XIV YNL040C-A New ORF chrXIV:552558…552478 Wacholder A, et al. (2023) PMID:37164009
XIV YNL155C-A New ORF chrXIV:342135…341911 Wacholder A and Carvunis AR (2023) PMID:38048358
XV ATG19/YOL082W New uORF chrXV:168632…168679 Yang Y, et al. (2023) PMID:35363116
XVI ATG5/YPL149W 4 new uORFs: chrXVI:271236…271277, chrXVI:271252…271302, chrXVI:271299…271307, chrXVI:271302…271307 Yang Y, et al. (2023) PMID:35363116
XVI ATG13/YPR185W New uORF chrXVI:907211…907351, partially overlaps CDS Yang Y, et al. (2023) PMID:35363116