Reference Values: Temperature-Dependent Growth Curves for Wild-type (N2)

Taken from the classic Hirsh, Oppenheim & Klass paper;

Times are in hours (see paper for detail), numbers in brackets are extra to the original figure in Hirsh et al.

Stage: | L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | ADULT | EGG LAYING |
| | | | | | | | | | |
16°C 21(24) (38) 42 63 (74) 84 (94) 105 126 147
20°C 13(15) (24) 26 39 (48) 52 (58) 65 78 91
25°C 10(11) (18) 20 30 (35) 40 (45) 50 60 70