'scbp-2' has a non-canonical START codon

Most genes in C. elegans start translation with the AUG codon.
A locus ‘scbp-2’ starts with the motif ‘AAAATTNC’ with the ‘ATT’ being translated as the first residue ‘I’.

These are the ‘scbp-2’ genes described in Lucia Otero’s paper :
‘Adjustments, extinction and remains of selenocysteine incorporation machinery in the nematode lineage’ (2014) RNA

C. brenneri

New gene created
Gene WBGene00255505
CDS CBN33006

New gene created
Gene WBGene00255506
CDS CBN34385
(This is the one they found and described in the paper)

C. briggsae

Gene WBGene00030058
CDS CBG08219
(This is the one they found and described in the paper)

C. japonica

New gene created
Gene WBGene00255507
CDS CJA46586
(This is the one they found and described in the paper)

C. remanei

New gene created
Gene WBGene00255508
CDS CRE32644
(This is the one they found and described in the paper)

C. elegans

Gene scbp-2
CDS K04G2.11
(This is the one they found and described in the paper)

The paper referred to above is.
PubMed 24817701

RNA. 2014
Adjustments, extinction, and remains of selenocysteine incorporation machinery in the nematode lineage.
Otero L, Romanelli-Cedrez L, Turanov AA, Gladyshev VN, Miranda-Vizuete A, Salinas G.