sensitivity to RNAi

Could anyone tell me which tissues in C.elegans are considered most sensitive to RNAi? Is it correct to say that the germline and intestine are the most sensitive or other tissues (apart from neurons) are as easily affected? I have been trying to find some papers on this topic but so far have not found a clear answer.
Many thanks.

I’ve never done a lit review on this topic personally, but I do remember a study where they looked at rrf-1 mutants and looked at their ability to process RNAi in different tissues (


I know that there were initially difficulties with neurons;

but then this was made a little easier through the use of the rrf-3 mutant strain and also the pWormgate cloning system.

But I’m sure there are others (see the previous post) that can give you more recent references to this topic.



thank you both for your thoughts!