The January updates to FlyBase Papers with Technical Advances have posted

You can find the new papers here: FlyBase:Papers with technical advances - FlyBase Wiki

Optogenetic control of Drosophila neurons: a laboratory practical for undergraduates and outreach. (J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ.)

UAS Gal4 recombinant lines that constitutively express ChR2 in particular neurons for optogenetic teaching.

A simple MiMIC-based approach for tagging endogenous genes to visualise live transcription in Drosophila. (Development)

A new resource that utilises MiMIC lines for endogenous gene tagging with MS2 and PP7 loops can be used for live imaging of transcription in a range of Drosophila tissues

A novel interpretable deep learning-based computational framework designed synthetic enhancers with broad cross-species activity. (Nucleic Acids Res.)

Developed an AI model to design synthetic enhancers, and have the enhancers tested in the endogenous genomic context of flies

Whole-brain in situ mapping of neuronal activation in Drosophila during social behaviors and optogenetic stimulation. (eLife)

A new method for activity-dependent brain-wide mapping of active cells expressing the immediate early gene hr38 in Drosophila using a high-sensitivity/low background fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) amplification method called HCR3.0.

Assessing the Roles of Potential Notch Signaling Components in Instructive and Permissive Pathways with Two Drosophila Pericardial Reporters. (Methods Mol. Biol.)

Methodology and reagents to determine whether a Notch signaling pathway component contributes to an instructive signaling mechanism, permissive signaling mechanism, or both.

Analysis of Positional Preference in Drosophila Using Multibeam Activity Monitors. (Cold Spring Harb. Protoc.)

Protocol for assessing positional preference using multi-beam DAM monitors. An example is shown to measure food preference.

Analysis of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms from Drosophila Activity-Monitoring Data Using SCAMP. (Cold Spring Harb. Protoc.)

Protocol for analyzing activity monitoring data using DAM monitors with an updated version of software titled: Sleep and Circadian Analysis MATLAB Program (SCAMP). This version notably allows for analysis of multi-beam DAM data.

Neural Stimulation during Drosophila Activity Monitor (DAM)-Based Studies of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster. (Cold Spring Harb. Protoc.)

Protocols are described for combining both thermogenetic and optogenetic manipulations with DAM-based activity monitoring.

cGAS-like receptors drive a systemic STING-dependent host response in Drosophila. (Cell Rep.)

GFP knock-in line to document expression of the STING protein

A neurotrophin functioning with a Toll regulates structural plasticity in a dopaminergic circuit. (eLife)

DeadEasy plugin for automatic counting of PAM dopaminergic neurons in the adult Drosophila brain, using ImageJ.

Bellymount-pulsed tracking: a novel approach for real-time in vivo imaging of Drosophila abdominal tissues. (G3 (Bethesda))

Bellymount-pulsed tracking is a long-term in vivo imaging technique to capture real-time growth dynamics and maternal molecule transfer during Drosophila egg chamber development. This tool provides high spatiotemporal resolution while imaging within the abdomen of a live female.

The geometric basis of epithelial convergent extension. (eLife)

A geometric inference method that quantifies active (internally driven) and passive (externally driven) contributions to epithelial cell intercalations and shape changes

A geometric-tension-dynamics model of epithelial convergent extension. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.)

We introduce a model for tissue flow through active cell intercalations controlled by positive and negative feedback loops acting on junctional tensions. The model explains how tissue can actively flow while resisting external forces.

Nanoscale Visualization of Drosophila E-cadherin Ectodomain Fragments and Their Interactions Using DNA Origami Nanoblocks. (J. Mol. Biol.)

Two plasmid constructs, pAcHis-DEectW-S, and pAcHis-DEectD-S, which can be used for production and purification of SNAP-tagged whole and partial DE-cadherin ectodomains, respectively, in Drosophila culture cells.

Local translatome sustains synaptic function in impaired Wallerian degeneration. (EMBO Rep.)

Development of a robust automated and high-accuracy antennal grooming detection system. grooming

The RNA-binding protein Modulo promotes neural stem cell maintenance in Drosophila. (PLoS ONE)

Anti-modulo antibody produced

Quantification of variegated Drosophila ommatidia with high-resolution image analysis and machine learning. (Biol Methods Protoc)

The use of machine-learning to quantify variegated eye pigments.

Protocol for dissecting Drosophila pupae and visualizing RNA expression using hybridization chain reaction. (STAR Protoc)

We are using new dissection techniques and Hybridization Chain Reaction (HCR) in situ staining for the study of gene expression in pupal epidermal tissue.