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Engineered fungus containing a caterpillar gene kills insects rapidly by disrupting their ecto- and endo-microbiomes. (Commun. Biol.)
Quantitative analysis of both cuticular and gut microbiotas of D. melanogaster after topical challenge with different strains of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii.
TF-High-Evolutionary: In Vivo Mutagenesis of Gene Regulatory Networks for the Study of the Genetics and Evolution of the Drosophila Regulatory Genome. (Mol. Biol. Evol.)
We designed TF-High-Evolutionary (TF-HighEvo), a transcription factor (TF) fused with a base editor (activation-induced deaminase), to continuously induce germline mutations at TF-binding sites across regulatory networks in Drosophila.
Muscle degeneration in aging Drosophila flies: the role of mechanical stress. (Skelet. Muscle)
the method to quantify muscle damage that can be used comparatively across different fly lines and genotypes.
Tolerance thresholds underlie responses to DNA damage during germline development. (Genes Dev.)
A panel of 12 transgenic gRNA lines targeting different numbers of non-coding genomic sites (individual gRNAs targeting between two and 53 sites in the diploid genome). gRNAs, expressed ubiquitously under the U6 promoter, were inserted into the attP2 site.
Generating CRISPR-edited clonal lines of cultured Drosophila S2 cells. (Biol Methods Protoc)
A CRISPR/Cas9 method for knock-in and knock-out experiments in S2 cells, whereby an antibiotic-resistance gene is inserted in-frame with the coding region of a gene-of interest. We isolate null cells using antibiotics in feeder layers followed by expansion to make clonal lines.
Proteome-wide neuropeptide identification using NeuroPeptide-HMMer (NP-HMMer). (Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.)
We have developed a tool (NP-HMMer) to identify neuropeptides based on Hidden Markov Models. Using NP-HMMer we identified phoenixin neuropeptide (CG34242) in Drosophila.
Dominant suppressor genes of p53-induced apoptosis in Drosophila melanogaster. (G3 (Bethesda))
The Double-Headed EP (DEP) transposon, used for insertional mutagenesis, is a P element derivative. The DEP element has Gal4-activatable, outward-directed UAS-promoters at both ends which can be deleted separately in vivo by the FLP or Cre recombinases, respectively.
Male cuticular pheromones stimulate removal of the mating plug and promote re-mating through pC1 neurons in Drosophila females. (eLife)
We generated a subtype-specific split-Gal4 for pC1a, a subtype of pC1 neurons.
Adverse impact of female reproductive signaling on age-dependent neurodegeneration after mild head trauma in Drosophila. (eLife)
novel concussion model for Drosophila, modified negative geotaxis assay, AI-based tracking of individual flies during negative geotaxis.