what method of detection of toxocara canis condition in human body is available

Hi !
what analyse method of detection of toxocara canis condition (state) in human body is available today?
Which laboratories can do it?

what have I to do?
I have Toxocara canis in my body (possibility = X %). It is defined by test of antibody IgG (Value is more than positive)…
But this test can not guarantee a honest existing of this worm in my body today.
Or it is other worm, or this worm is dead.
I want to know: Is any method for definition of existing in body by means of seeking any coincidences in sequence in gene transcription (or other method)?

What steps I have to do for search the real ansver?
please, give me an advice or hint!

I’m sorry, but I don’t think you’re likely to find people able to help you on this message board. The people posting here know about research on nematodes in the laboratory - almost entirely C. elegans, a free-living nematode. I don’t think this is a community likely able to help you with a clinical question about a parasitic nematode.

Thank you!
Then… theoretical question:
any nematode in human body produces a dust (waste). It gets into blood and it is consisted in blood.
What is possibility for seeking these products by means of DNA search (comparison) of sequence?

LMGTFY: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/toxocariasis/gen_info/faqs.html