Annotations for all organisms in the Alliance are available here:
Download Annotations | Gene Ontology Consortium
These files are taxon-specific, although some files have multiple taxons. For example, the CGD GAF includes several Candida as well as Debaryomyces hansenii and Lodderomyces elongisporus.
If your organism is included in a multi-organism file, and you would like to extract just your organism of interest, you can filter by taxon. Verify your taxon ID and refer to the file format guides under “Types of GO annotation files” to determine which column to sort on.
If your organism is not available from our downloads page, you can use AmiGO to view or download annotations. Filter for your taxon under “Organism”; AmiGO allows users to download up to 100,000 annotations. QuickGO is EMBL-EBI’s GO browser and has a download limit of 2,000,000. Please see our FAQ on AmiGO and QuickGO data, software to browse the GO and finding species that are not available in AmiGO.